Tlačová správa – Košice, 4.9.2017 V poradí 94. ročník Medzinárodného maratónu mieru, ktorý sa uskutoční 1. októbra 2017, prináša množstvo osvedčených programových formátov i noviniek, ktoré dokreslia atmosféru tohto najväčšieho a najtradičnejšieho športového podujatia na Slovensku. ENORMNÝ ZÁUJEM UŽ OD FEBRUÁRA Už od otvorenia registračného portálu MMM 2017 vo februári bol zrejmý trend ďalšieho zvyšovania záujmu o účasť na MMM, podporovaný i viacerými aktivitami a kampaňami zo strany organizátorov. Medziročný nárast sa v prvom polroku 2017 ustálil na zhruba 40% a i keď počas leta už nebol taký prudký, je na začiatku septembra možné vidieť prekročenie vlaňajších počtov. Pokiaľ vlani…

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A man and a woman belong together from the beginning of the world, than why not also on a marathon course. The Kosice Peace Marathon Couples run can show us, that they can harmonize their steps to a common goal. So, if you decided this year to run Halfmarathon in Kosice with your wife, friend or colegue, then the Couples Run is a right challenge for you. Together you can symbolically manage a full marathon distance. For participating in a Couples Run you have to be registered for Halfmarathon and then just fill in the registration form here.

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The Kosice Peace Marathon, Košice city and the athletic movement remembers this year 20 years from the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships, held in Košice on 4th October 1997. So far, the only athletic world championships held in Slovakia. Elite runners from 45 countries participated in the event. Now, twenty years after this successful event, an invitation was sent to Sebastian Coe, the president of IAAF, two times Olympic winner, holder of 11 world records, leading London in 2012 to one of the most successful Olympic games in history. The invitation signed by Peter Korčok president of the Slovak Athletic…

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70 years ago Košice Witnessed the world´s largest marathon. The 1947 was the unique year for Košice also in other way. In that year there were 54 marathons organized worldwide and none of them had more athletes crossing the finish line than Košice. To be specific, in Košice it was 75 runners while in Boston it was only 41. Košice marathon can be considered to become the largest marathon of 1947 in the world. Read more

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What happened 90 years ago. It was 1927 and today oldest marathon in Europe was heading to its 4th edition. Invitations with detailed program have already being prepared in 5 languages. German Paul Hempel, representant of still existing berlin´s club SC Charlottenburg and Pál Király, Hungarian winner from 1925 were the top favourites to win the race. The day of race was ruled by bad weather. From the thick fog covering the course as the first ran out unexpected winner Jozsef Galambos. As it turned out, his victory was not accidental. Jozsef repeated his victory also in 1928, 1932 and…

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The 94th edition of the oldest European marathon will take place on 1st of October 2017. The quick and easy Online registration is already open for everybody. This year for organizers of Kosice Peace Marathon is also about memories and flashbacks. One of the fastest marathon courses has been created in Košice 20 years ago on the occasion 1997 IAAF World Half Marathon Champioships. Tegla Loroupe and Shem Kororia were awarded from the hands of IAAF President Primo Nebiolo on October 4, 1997. That course is still fast and very attractive for both elite even runners. The Kosice Peace Marathon…

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„A man walks in front of an ambulance. The finish line is within sight. Perhaps 300 metres remain but the time to the final 6 hours is inexorably nearing. Marián Horvát from Zlaté Moravce knows the course in Košice very well. In the past he has conquered it a respectable 22 times, and he is doing it again now. He is the last to finish, but does so with the same pride as all before him…“ There are many stories like this one. Look behind and enjoy the best highlights, stories and moments of Košice Peace Marathon 2016 here:

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New application Pic2Go from Slovenska sporitelna guarantees you, that you get your race photos simply and for free! Our photo-team will shoot thousands of photos and send selected photos to your Facebook. Read more here.

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Tlačová správa, Košice, 27.9.2016 TAKESHIHO STOPY Japonský vytrvalec Takeshi So, ktorý nenašiel na trati v Košiciach premožiteľa presne pred 40 rokmi, zanechal pri svojom pobyte a víťazstve na východe Slovenska niekoľko artefaktov, ktoré je čas oprášiť. Sú to predovšetkým maratónky, v ktorých bežal a pred odchodom z Košíc ešte stihol označiť dátumom, výkonom i podpisom. Vážia spolu iba 350 gramov a sú dnes uložené v zbierkovom fonde MMM. Svoj podpis pridal aj na pamätnú vlajku, vyrobenú k podujatiu v roku 1976 a najnovšie svoju spomienku na víťazstvo v Košiciach zvečnil na tričkách, ktoré mal k dispozícii na olympiáde v Riu.…

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